Department of Continuing Education

Overview (Engine of Prosperity)

“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.”

The Department of Continuing Education (DCE) at IUL, is responsible for supporting - in close collaboration with academic divisions - the modernization and digitalization of higher education that will improve student learning, through the development of new pedagogies, use of e-learning technology, and enhanced course design.

DCE is dedicated to developing training programs in learning management to enhance professors' creative skills while concurrently fostering creativity and best practices in Higher Education through coaching, workshops, and various learning development opportunities.

DCE utilizes technology to enhance faculty performance, student management, teaching, and learning. by providing educators with valuable insights into effective learning methods and facilitating exploration of various subjects and concepts. As a major source of human capital and a driver of economic growth, DCE is recognized as the "engine of prosperity in the new global economy," capable of informing educational policy through rigorous study and analysis of institutional data.

Department of Continuing Education

Mission (Ongoing Professional Development)

The Department of Continuing Education is dedicated to fostering a culture of research-driven education that enriches both teachers and students. We recognize research as a vital component of education, serving as a fundamental tool for expanding knowledge.

To this end, we are committed to generating new methods and techniques for teaching through rigorous research, enabling educators to explore deeply diverse subjects and ideas. Furthermore, we believe in keeping educators informed about the latest findings to empower them in making informed decisions and offering students top-notch learning opportunities.

In today's dynamic educational landscape, DCE acknowledges the pivotal role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in shaping both the workforce and educational environment. Recognizing the necessity of enhancing ICT capabilities for students and teachers to remain current and enhance student employability, we strive to leverage modernization and digitalization to foster student engagement, aid teachers in developing enhanced lesson plans, and facilitate individualized learning.

Our goal is to equip students and teachers with the necessary tools and resources to thrive in an increasingly digital-driven educational ecosystem.

Department of Continuing Education

Objectives (Improve Learning Performance)

The primary objective of the Department of Continuing Education is to spearhead the adoption of innovative technologies to enhance both learner and instructor experiences while driving substantial advancements in curriculum development.

This objective necessitates comprehensive structural reforms, including bolstering services for professionals and support. These initiatives aim to provide educators and students with round-the-clock assistance, access to learning materials, and academic support to facilitate seamless digital learning experiences.

Furthermore, DCE is committed to fostering educator development by offering tailored training opportunities and resources aimed at enhancing faculty members' technological, pedagogical, and accessibility skills. Through continuous professional development initiatives, our faculty members are equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively integrate digital teaching and learning strategies into their classrooms.

Moreover, DCE actively seeks partnerships and collaborations to enhance the quality of teaching and learning. By fostering collaborations with other academic institutions and specialized organizations, we aim to leverage expertise and resources to provide high-quality workshops, training, and materials in digital learning.

Additionally, DCE emphasizes the importance of educational research in improving educational practices. Through ongoing research initiatives, we aim to gather scientific evidence on crucial educational topics such as learning, teaching methods, motivation, development, and classroom management to inform best practices and enhance learning outcomes for both educators and students.