One way of dealing with issues of food insecurity and hunger of students is through the courses that the University teaches in its different faculties. In the educational curriculum, it has incorporated many health and nutrition-related courses in order to educate students in nutritional education and train them on how to face the challenges related to nutrition. Among these courses: Community and public health, Nutrition, Public health and epidemiology, health management and administration, Food, page 3, Culinary Arts page 2, Food Service Lab I page 4, Food Service Lab II page 6, Food Production Lab II page 8, Food and Beverage Cost Control page 10, Food Service Lab III page 12 .
With the aim of eliminating the students’ bad eating habits that affect mental and physical health, as is the habit of drinking caffeinated drinks on an empty stomach, which leads to a problem in focusing during lectures. Therefore, the university, after consulting a nutritionist, sought to find healthy solutions that would be acceptable to young people to some extent alleviate bad eating habits and replace them with more useful ones by packing bags containing energy-rich food elements such as dates, nuts and raisins. And displaying health and nutritional information through an electronic platform with the aim of directing students towards beneficial foods and keeping them away from unhealthy industrial food supplements.
On the occasion of the 25th of May, the Amal Movement, the Islamic University Division, held its second annual Ramadan Iftar, in the presence of the President of the Amal Movement, Dean, Brother Abbas Nasrallah, and the Secretary-General of the Islamic University, Dr. Brother Hussein Badran, head of the Youth and Sports Office in Mount Lebanon, Brother Rowad Hammoud, and the head of the Youth and Sports Office in the South, Brother Ali Hassan, the educational and administrative staff and a large crowd of students from the Islamic University of Lebanon.
The Amal Movement – Division of the Islamic University – Wardanieh Complex, on the occasion of forty Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), organized a feast attended by the President of the Wardaniyah Complex, Dr. Abdel Moneim Qubeissi, members of the administrative and educational staff, and a large number of students.
The University also participated in the “Report of the 2019 Arab Forum for Sustainable Development”, where Empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality in the Arab region was sought, trying to find different strategies to minimize hunger among the people of Lebanon and specifically among the IUL students.
Under the slogan of combating hunger in our homeland, university students participated in the global entrepreneurship platform HULT PRIZE competition hosted by the university in 2019 and declared through this competition the FOOD FOR LESS project, which aims to secure food safety for poor families by collecting surplus food from restaurants and dividing it into rations and selling it. To poor families for $ 1.