5.6.8 IUL has a policy that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage.

Instructions provided to employees on how to access the portal and submit a complaint or suggestion


IUL is an institution devoted to learning, openness, and the life of the mind. It follows that its character can be measured in part by the kind of human relationships built and sustained within this small but complex environment. IUL strives to be a community built upon mutual trust and respect for its constituent members: students, faculty, staff and those visiting or under temporary contract.

A community will flourish only to the degree that the virtues of mutual respect, generosity, and concern for others are maintained. Therefore, it is vitally important that harassment and discrimination in all their forms not be tolerated. As noted in University Policy, members of the University community have the right to a safe and welcoming campus environment.

These policies and procedures apply to all College community members, and all members of the College community are responsible for being familiar with and abiding by them at all times. IUL will not tolerate discriminatory harassment and/or sexual misconduct (whether it comes in the form of intimate partner violence, non-consensual sexual activity and sexual assIULt, sexual exploitation, stalking or sexual harassment) against students, faculty, staff, trustees, volunteers, and employees of any university contractors/agents.

 In an ongoing effort to prevent sexual misconduct on the IUL campus, the University provides education and prevention programs for all members of the IUL community and pursues available administrative and/or criminal remedies for complaints of sexual misconduct as appropriate.

All acts of discriminatory harassment and/or sexual misconduct threaten personal safety and violate the standards of conduct—mutual respect, generosity, and concern for others—expected of all community members.


IUL prohibits all forms of discriminatory harassment and sexual misconduct. IUL is committed to ensuring that each member of the university community has the opportunity to participate fully in the process of education and development. IUL strives to maintain a safe and welcoming environment free from acts of discriminatory harassment and sexual misconduct. However, when incidents occur, the University is committed to respond in a manner that provides safety, privacy and support to those affected.


This policy shall apply to all individuals affiliated with IUL, including but not limited to students, faculty, staff, trustees, volunteers, and employees of contractors/agents. It is intended to protect the rights and privacy of the reporting party, responding party and other involved individuals, as well as to prevent retaliation or reprisal. Individuals who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary or other corrective action. This policy applies to anyone on the property of International University of Leadership and anyone present at IUL-sponsored programs or events.


IUL University is committed to maintaining learning and work environments as free as possible from conflicts of interest, exploitation, and favouritism. Where a party uses a position of authority to induce another person to enter into a relationship, the harm both to that person and to the institution is clear. Even where the relationship is consensual, there is significant potential for harm when there is an institutional power difference between the parties involved, as is the case, for example, between supervisor and employee, faculty and student, or academic advisor and advisee. All members of the university community must be aware that romantic relationships with students/subordinates are likely to lead to difficulties and have the potential to place faculty and staff at great personal and professional risk. Any member of the university community who participates in decisions concerning the person with whom they have or have had a romantic relationship creates the potential for conflicts of interest, exploitation, and favoritism in those situations. In the event of a charge of sexual harassment arising from such circumstances, the University will in general be unsympathetic to a defense based upon consent when the facts establish that a power differential existed within the relationship.


Those who report any type of discriminatory harassment or sexual misconduct, to a University employee will be referred to the Office of Equity & Inclusion / Title IX Office and informed of all their rights and options, including the necessary steps for each option. The University will provide assistance to those involved in a report of sexual misconduct or discriminatory harassment, including but not limited to reasonably available accommodations and modifications for academic, transportation, housing or working situations as well as honoring lawful protective or temporary restraining orders.


Whenever the Title IX Officer or another employee receives a report that students, faculty, staff, trustees, volunteers, and employees of contractors/agents has been subjected to sexual misconduct, the Title IX Officer or other employee shall immediately provide the student, faculty or staff member with contact information for and assistance in accessing and using campus, local advocacy, counseling, health, and mental health services. Those who report being subjected to sexual misconduct shall be provided information about their right to notify law enforcement and receive assistance from campus authorities in making the notification. PROCEDURES Procedures for the investigation and resolution of complaints are specific for students, faculty, and staff and are outlined in respective handbooks. Each process provides an equitable and timely process for both reporting and responding parties.


In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes discriminatory harassment or sexual misconduct, the University looks at the totality of circumstances including the nature of the conduct and the context in which the alleged incident(s) occurred. The determination that the conduct violates University policy will be made on a case-by-case basis using the “preponderance of the evidence” standard. Violations of this policy may lead to disciplinary action up to and including academic dismissal or termination of employment. The University will take immediate and appropriate corrective action based on the findings in each case as outlined in the respective handbooks:

  • Student Handbook
  • Staff Handbook/Human Resources Office
  • Faculty Handbook


Any individual subject to this policy who intentionally engages in retaliation may be subject to disciplinary or other corrective action as appropriate.

Contact us

Call us, MEHE.

For complaints please contact.

Address: Ministry of Education and Higher Education within official working hours Phone number: 9611772661Email: [email protected].


General Director of Higher Education.

Assigned Director General of Higher Education, Mr. Fadi YarakAddress: Ministry of Education and Higher Education – Floor 6Phone number: 9611772500

Guidance and Guidance device.

Acting Director of Guidance and Guidance Ms. Hilda Al-Khoury

Address: Ministry of Education and Higher Education – Floor 2

Phone number: 9611772626

Discipline at IUL

University’s policies that protect its staff who are reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage

 International Conventions Ratified by Lebanon

 In addition to enshrining in its constitution the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as the ICESCR and ICCPR, Lebanon has ratified several international texts and charters. Together, these constitute essential human rights instruments that can help enshrine and activate principles and rights not addressed by national legislations or in some cases, that national legislations contradict. Although most of these instruments are not directly related to the labour sector and workers’ rights, with the exception of those issued by the International Labour Organization (ILO)1 , the protection frameworks that they provide can be essential means of strengthening social protections, based on the following:

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

which has become an integral part of the Lebanese Constitution: In addition to the fundamental rights it enshrines, such as the right to life, liberty security of the person, equality and freedom from slavery and forced labour, it guarantees the right to security in the event of unemployment, the right to equal pay for equal work, the right to form and join unions, the right to rest and leisure, including reasonable limitation of working hours, the right to work in safe and fair conditions, and the right to an adequate standard of living.

The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR),

Article 6 of which enshrined the right to work; Article 7 the right to the enjoyment of just and favorable conditions of work, including the right to rest, leisure and reasonable limitation of working hours; Article 8 the right to form and join trade unions; Article 9 the right to social security including social insurance; and Article 11 the right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for themselves and his family.

The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination,

Article 5 of which enshrines the right to equality and freedom of movement.

The International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women,

 Article 11 of which enshrines the right to work, equal hours of work and the right to maternity leave, as well as equal pay for equal work.