H. Reda, Y. Rahali, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissWave propagation in 3D viscoelastic auxetic and textile materials by homogenized continuum micropolar models. Composite Structures 141 (2016) 328–345
H. Reda, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissMicropolar dissipative models for the analysis of 2D dispersive waves in periodic lattices. Journal of sound and vibration 392 (2017) 325–345
H. Reda, Y. Rahali, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissAnalysis of dispersive waves in repetitive lattices based on homogenized second-gradient continuum models. Composite structures 152 (2016) 712-728
H. Reda, J.F. Ganghoffer, K. Elnady, H. LakissAnalysis of nonlinear wave propagation in hyperelastic 1D continuum materials constructed by homogenization. Mechanics Research Communications 84 (2017) 136–141
H. Reda, Y. Rahali, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissNonlinear dynamical analysis of 3D textiles based on second order grdient homogenized media. Composite structures 154 (2016) 538-555
H. Reda, Y. Rahali, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissWave propagation in 2D nonlinear hexagonal periodic networks based on second order gradient nonlinear constitutive models. International journal of nonlinear Mechanics 87(2016) 85-96
H. Reda, I. Goda, J.F. Ganghoffer, G. L'Hostis, H. LakissDynamical analysis of homogenized second gradient anisotropic media for textile composite structures and analysis of size effects. Composite Structures 161 (2017) 540–551
H. Reda, K, Elnady, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. Lakiss‘Influence of finite strains on wave propagation in periodic networks based on large strains homogenization’ Composite Structures 184 (2018) 860–871
H. Reda, K, Elnady, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. Lakiss‘Control of acoustic properties of network materials by finite pre deformations: theoretical aspects and applications to 3D auxetic network materials, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics 99 (2018) 1–1
H. Reda, Y. Rahali, N. Karathanasopoulos, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissThe role of coupling energy between first and second gradient terms in wave propagation analysis of three dimensional metamaterials Int. J. of Eng. Science 128 (2018) 151–164
H. Reda, N. Karathanasopoulos, K. Elnady, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissControl of the static and wave propagation characteristics of two-dimensional architectured materials through varying anisotropy. Materials and Design 147 (2018) 134–145
H. Reda, K, Berkache, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissDynamical properties of random fibrous networks based on generalized continuum mechanics. Wave in random and complex media, 10.1080/17455030.2018.1478468, 2018
H. Reda, J.F. N. Karathanasopoulos, Ganghoffer, H. LakissWave propagation characteristics of periodic structures accounting for the effect of their higher order inner material kinematics. Journal of sound and vibration 431 (2018), 29 265–275
A. Chehouri, R. Youness, A. Ilinca, J. Perron, H.Lakiss ‘Optimal Design for Composite Wind Turbine Blade with Fatigue and Failure Constraints. Transaction in Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering. Vol. 39, No. 2, (2015), 171-186
Walaa Diab, J. Toufaily, F. Villieras, B. Koubayssi, H. Mortada, H. Lakiss, T. Hamieh"Study of Physicochemical Properties of Colloidal Sediments of Litani River in Lebanon " Physics Procedia 55 (2014) 251 – 258
M. Khalil, P. Hebraud, A. Mcheik, H. Mortada, H. Lakiss, T. Hamieh"Elongational Flow-Induced Crystallization in Polypropylene/Talc Nanocomposites". Physics Procedia 55 (2014) 259 – 264
A. Kassas, J. Bernard, C. Lelievre, D. Houivet, H. Lakiss, T. Hamieh"Humidity Sensitive Characteristics of Porous Li-Mg-Ti-O-F Ceramic Materials", American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 4(2013), 83-89
18) A. Kassas, J. Bernard, C. Lelievre, D. Houivet, H. Lakiss, T. Hamieh"Ceramic Thick Film Humidity Sensor Based on MgTiO3+LiF". Materials Research Bulletin 48 (2013) 3987-3993
T. Hamieh, F. Kawtharani, A. Kassas, R. Quercioli, D. Houivet, J. Bernard, H. Lakiss, J. Toufaily, R. Aoun, M. Reda"Ultrafine Grinding of MgTiO3 Based Ceramic Influencing the Material Properties". Physical Chemistry & Biophysics, (2013), 3:3 1000122
H. Lakiss, A. Daidie, A.Vadean, J.Guillot"Application of the Design of Experimental Methods to Transversely Loaded Cylindrical Assembly". P. Chedmail and al. (eds.), Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands ISBN 1-4020-0979-8. (2002), P. 423-440
H. Lakiss, A.Vadean., D. Leray, J.Guillot"A Hybrid Calculation Model for Bolted Assemblies used for Slewing Bearings" Integrated Design and Manufacturing in Mechanical Engineering, (2002), P. 481-488
H. Lakiss, A. Daidie, J.Guillot"The Use of Experimental Design on a Bolted Joint". IRF, 99 Integrity, Reliability & Failure University of Porto, Portugal, July 19-22, (1999). P. 81-84
H. Lakiss, E.H. Benkhira, A. Daidie, J. Guillot"Modélisation d'un Assemblage Boulonné Cylindrique Reposant sur un Corps Rigide Soumis à un Effort Transversal". CSME 98, The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering Ryerson Polytechnic University Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 19 - 22 May, (1998). V.2, P. 289-296
A. Daidie, H. Lakiss, J. Guilloot"The Effect of Geometrical Parameters on Crosses Loaded Bolted Joints". DAAAM, 98 Danube Adria Association For Automation & Manufacturing, ISBN 3-901509-08-9, Vienna, 22-24 October (1998), P. 155-156
H. Reda, J.F. N. Karathanasopoulos, Ganghoffer, H. LakissAnalytical homogenization for piezoelectric and study of the nonlocal wave propagation analysis. Accepted to ZAMM 2019
M. Ayad, H. Reda, N. Karathanasopolous, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissDispersion characteristics of periodic structural system using higher order beam element dynamics, Accepted to Mathematics and Mechanics of solids
M. Ayad, H. Reda, N. Karathanasopolous, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissOn the role of second gradient constitutive parameters in the static and dynamic analysis of heterogeneous media with micro-inertia effects, Accepted to International journal of solid and structure
H. Reda, Y.Rahali, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissWave propagation analysis in 2D nonlinear periodic structures prone to mechanical instabilities. From Microstructure Investigations to Multiscale Modeling, ISTE, Publisher: Wiley, November 2017
N. Mawassi, H. Reda, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissWave propagation analysis in non-local flexoelectric composite materials, Composite Structures (2021) 278(2):114696
N. Mawassi, H. Reda, J.F. Ganghoffer, Seyed Ehsan Alavi, H. LakissAnalysis of surface effects based on first and second strain gradient mechanics, Mechanics of Material (2021) 175(13):104462
N. Mawassi, H. Reda, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissControl of the piezoelectric and flexoelectric homogenized properties of architected materials by tuning their inner topology, Mechanics Research Communications (2022) 127(4)
A. Wazni, H. Reda, J.F. Ganghoffer, H. LakissNonlinear wave propagation analysis in architected materials with consideration of extension, shear and bending effects, Mechanics Research Communications (2022) 128:104044
W. Al-Shaar, N. Nehme, H. Haidar, H. LakissForecasted water demand using Extended Cellular Automata Markov Chain Model: case of Saida and Jezzine regions in Lebanon, Sustainable Water Resources Management (2022) 7
W. Al-Shaar, J. Gerard, N. Nehme, H. Lakiss, L. BarakatApplication of modified cellular automata Markov chain model: forecasting land use pattern in Lebanon, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment (2021) 7, 321–1335
Wazne, A., Reda, H., Ganghoffer, JF., H. LakissAnalysis of nonlinear wave propagation within architected materials consisting of nonlinear Timoshenko beam structural elements, Mechanics Research Communications, In press, 2024, 103344
Wazne, A., Reda, H., Ganghoffer, JF., H. LakissNonlinear Wave Propagation in Homogenized strain gradient 1D and 2D lattice materials: applications to hexagonal and triangular networks, ZAMM, In press, 2024