SDG 3.3.3: Share sports facilities with the local community for instance with local schools or with the general public

Good health about the body as well as about the mind is essential to us. Staying in good health is important to all of us, and can become particularly important in the future.

Lebanon has consistently improved its health system and registered relatively favourable indicators, despite internal challenges and external shocks. The ministry of public health has developed and implemented plans, aimed at reaching the sustainable development goals, which build on past successes. Lebanon is controlling and preventing disease outbreaks and ensuring universal access to healthcare services. The quality and coverage of health services have been improving. The ministry of public health has a network of 213 primary healthcare centers across the country, which provide services in collaboration with non-governmental organizations, the Ministry of Social Affairs, and municipalities, patients can see medical specialists at a reduced cost and receive basic and chronic disease medication and vaccines free Critical diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis and others are fully covered by the ministry of public health. The strategy’s central goal for the ministry of public health is universal health coverage and it is based on the principle of ‘health as the right of each citizen’. Its strategic goals are:

  1. to modernize and strengthen MoPH’s executive and related administrations.
  2. to improve collective public health through prevention and promotion throughout the lifecycle of each individual, and in all stages/phases of life.
  3. to make concrete steps towards universal coverage of high quality, safe and affordable healthcare that priorities the poor and vulnerable.
  4. to strengthen capacity and systems for timely, accurate and reliable epidemiological surveillance intelligence for public health security and emergency preparedness and response.

ref: LEBANON-Voluntary National Review(VNR) on sustainable development goals (SDGs

Special care must be taken by all the active bodies to ensure good health. Among the noble goals that the Islamic university of Lebanon (IUL) aspired to was the improvement of health and wellbeing outcomes. To achieve this vision, IUL set out many collaborative plans to establish its position within the framework of health community service. Namely, the mission was carried by the applied departments in the Faculty of Health including nursing, physical therapy, speech therapy and medical laboratory. In specific, nursing department aims to graduate qualified health professionals with scientific competencies and high work skills, to meet the needs of the labor market in Lebanon and the world.

3.3 Health Impact
In this part of the goal, the actions that the Islamic Lebanese University carries out to improve local and global health and well-being of both the academic community and Lebanon will be shown.
3.3.3 Does your university as a body share sports facilities with the local community, for instance with local schools or with the general public?

Policy of sharing sports complexes and venues to serve faculty, staff, students as well as surrounding community for the sake of better health and well being
Sports facilities with the local community

The Islamic University of Lebanon has devised a strategy to enhance the well-being of its students and staff, focusing on the principle of ‘a healthy mind in a healthy body.’ In pursuit of this vision, a substantial sports facility has been constructed to fulfil this mission. Subsequently, recognizing the value of extending the benefits of this sports facility to the local community and the broader public, the university has actively engaged in various community-oriented initiatives over the past four years, particularly with local schools and public institutions. This successful local engagement has prompted the university to explore international opportunities, yielding significant achievements in this regard.

To align with the Chief Health’s recommendations regarding physical activity, the sports sector at IUL is working collaboratively to ensure that all students have access to physical activity opportunities. As part of this plan, faculties will receive support to assess and enhance their sports and physical activity offerings, ensuring equitable access for all students.

Recognizing that sport and physical activity can enrich the lives of young individuals, the university promotes these activities alongside other essential experiences such as arts, culture, work, and volunteering. Sport is viewed as one of the Department for Education’s fundamental pillars for character development, fostering skills like confidence, self-belief, dedication, and resilience. Additionally, it instils values such as friendship and fair play. In an era dominated by digital interactions, providing opportunities for in-person engagement among young people in their own and neighbouring communities is crucial for their social development and addressing issues like loneliness and social isolation. Furthermore, volunteering through sports empowers young people to contribute to and play an active role in their communities.

Sport organizations face the ongoing challenge of increasing sport participation. Conventional methods like promotional advertising and top-down initiatives that disregard community needs have proven ineffective in sustaining sport engagement. This action plan advocates for the ‘building sport communities’ model, which relies on a community development approach founded on three core elements: identifying a community champion, forging collaborative partnerships, and delivering high-quality sports programs. This approach not only aims to boost sport participation but also seeks to enhance communities through sports, offering valuable insights and implications for practitioners in this field.


In the 2019/2020 period, the sports department engaged in various activities, including:

  • Participation in the Homin Al Fawqa sports event for schools.
  • Taking part in the Bayssour tournament, which was organized for universities and schools, with our university emerging as the first-place winner.
  • Participation in the companies and institutions sports tournament held in Kfarchima, where our university secured the first place.
  • Participation in an honorary sports event hosted at Al-Nasr Club in Al-Bazouria.
  • Participation in another honorary sports event organized by the Youth and Sports Office in the Jabal Amel Region, Abbasiya.
  • Participation in the Arab mini-football Championship held in Abu Dhabi.

Organizing an Indoor Championship, specifically the Imam Musa Al-Sadr Football Tournament.

1. the second session of IUL.
The conclusion of the second session of the Islamic University of Lebanon in the El Clasico stadium, in the presence of the President of the University, Prof. Dina El-Mawla


2. Ramand Sports match.
The Islamic University of Lebanon concluded the Ramadan course for institutions, companies, banks and universities, which continued throughout the month of Ramadan on the Classico stadiums on Airport Road.
The final match brought together the LPS team and the Beirut Guard team, yesterday evening, in the presence of the head of the activities department at the Islamic University, Eng. Zakaria Sharara, the head of the administrative division in customs, Major Nidal Diab, Dr. Salim Abu Asbar, Mr. Osama Siraj, Mr. Mahmoud Ahmed, and the international journalist Bilal Nassour, and a large media and public presence.
The match ended in a positive draw 3-3, and LPS won on penalties, 2-0.
In the end, Sharara, Siraj and Ahmed distributed cups, medals and commemorative shields to the participating teams, and everyone praised the great effort made by the sports department at the university, especially for its permanent and successful organization of sports courses.


3. Mini Football.
The French survey engineering team won the title of the Mini Football Tournament by defeating the English survey engineering team 2 with a score of (8-4)…. The Sports Club Administration at the Islamic University Khaldeh Branch congratulates the winning team…

5. Presentation of the Ramadan Football Tournament Cup to the President of the University.

6. Martyr Hassan Kassir sports round.
The Islamic University of Lebanon team won the Martyr Hassan Kassir sports tournament for universities held by the Youth and Sports Office in the Amal Movement, Jabal Amel Region, against the University Technical Institute team – a 7-3 battle over the Hobbs stadiums – Tyre


7. The IUL team beat the CIS team 3-0 in the opening of the Rasoul Al Aazam round.


Wardanieh Campus
The establishment of the campus in Wardanieh area is a continuation of the mission of the Islamic University in a project of international standards and a suitable environment to embrace the youth energies, seeking to excel scientifically and practically in a way that serves man, society and countries transcending sects, regions and doctrines.
And because the university is continuously working to establish the quality of education and scientific research, so the campus in Wardanieh provided all facilities and means that enhance the academic endeavors of the student, ranging from advanced classrooms and high-quality laboratories, a center for photocopying and Internet, library, cafeteria and restaurant in addition to Health care center and parks.
Wardanieh Campus also provided an important space for organizing various sports and cultural activities through the conference center, which includes halls of celebrations and seminars, a sports hall that contains a football and basketball stadiums in addition to a sport club, all of international standards.

Sports Department Announcement
Announcement for everyone who wants to participate in the football tournament


And a training announcement


Importance of Sports in the Community
Sport and physical activity can enrich young people’s lives, and should be considered alongside other important activities like arts, culture, work and volunteering, to ensure young people have access to a variety of experiences. Sport is one of the Departments for Education’s five foundations for building character, and can help all encounter community young people to develop sport skills such as friendship and fair play. In an increasingly digital world, giving community young people opportunities for face-to-face engagement with their peers in their own and other communities is vital in developing socially as well as tackling loneliness and social isolation. And volunteering through sport can help young people to give back and play a role in their communities. Community based sharing IUL sport can be verified clearly in attached the welcoming day.


Sports Participation
Sport organizations face the challenge in sport participation. Traditional methods of addressing this challenge such as promotional ads and top-down initiatives that ignore community needs have not succeeded in sustaining sport participation. This action plan supports the impact of the building sport communities model in which community development approach based on three key elements: identifying a community champion, developing collaborative partnerships, and delivering quality sport programming; however using a community development approach to not only increase sport participation but also develop communities through sport are presented with implications for practitioners.