SDG 11.2: Arts and heritage

SDG 11.2.1

Public access to buildings and/or monuments and/or natural heritage landscapes that are of cultural significance

IUL has adopted Sustainable Development Goals and it is on its way to implementing them. In the domain of sustainable cities and communities, IUL encourages arts and activities that aim at recording and preserving intangible and tangible heritage.

SDG 11.2.2

Public access to libraries including books and publications

One of the general strategies of Islamic university of Lebanon (IUL) is to provide access to educational resources for all people in the country. The IUL central library is one of the important units that provide this type of access to public and especially those not studying at the university for the purpose of best quality education. 

SDG 11.2.3

Public access to buildings and/or monuments and/or natural heritage landscapes that are of cultural significance

Islamic University of Lebanon in search of providing access to museums, seeks that its students can take tours, for this reason, within the training program organized by the Tourism Guidance and Guidance Department, students of the College of Tourism Sciences toured the archaeological and touristic landmarks of Beirut, accompanied by Dr. Nafez Al-Ahmar and Professor Reem Qamar. The tour included a visit to the Beirut National Museum and the historical landmarks of Downtown Beirut.

SDG 11.2.4

Free public access to open spaces and green spaces

IUL is aware of the relevance of green areas so the Wardeniyeh campus has been designed to be a sustainable and green campus. Moreover, IUL ensures the accessibility to green spaces and pays special attention to the conservation of those areas. Moreover, the insurance of public spaces’ accessibility is on the plan of IUL. To illustrate, the stadium can be used by its neighbors free of charge with all its accompanying facilities.  

SDG 11.2.5

Contribution to local arts, in terms of the number of annual public performances of university choirs/theatre groups/orchestras

Professor Dina El Mawla, President of the Islamic University of Lebanon, visited the Cultural Complex of Imam Sadr Foundation in Tyre. She was received by Mrs. Rabab Al-Sadr, a number of members and employees.

SDG 11.2.6

Projects to record and/or preserve intangible cultural heritage such as local folklore, traditions, language, and knowledge

IUL prepares events aiming at spreading awareness between students about culture and heritage to protect tangible and intangible cultural heritage. In this context, it organizes exhibitions and events related to several cultures. The purpose of those events is the conservation of cultures.