The university has put a plan to reduce overall energy consumption and to provide reliable electricity, the plan includes, but is not limited to:
The green building elements implemented in the campus as reflected in construction policies comprises four axes: site design, indoor air quality, energy savings, and water.
The “Conference on Environment and Sustainable Development, Challenges and Solutions” concluded its two-day activities, which included scientific sessions and various workshops on renewable energies, geographic information systems and natural and human environment data. It was hosted by the Islamic University of Lebanon under the auspices of its president, Prof. Dr.. Dina Al-Mawla, represented by the Secretary General of the University, Prof. Hussein Badran, and at the invitation of the President of the International Peace Forum for Culture and Science, Prof. Saad Ajil Mubarak.
The President of the Forum in Lebanon, the Dean of the Faculty of Political and Diplomatic Sciences at the Islamic University, Prof. Ramez Ammar the following recommendations:
1- Legislating a law to invest in renewable energies to increase the percentage of its contribution to the total energy total and to achieve a safe supply of it, as well as to contribute to protecting the environment and achieving sustainable development.
2- Activating the work of government procedures that contribute to the distribution of industries, in a way that enhances the protection of the environment and does not deplete its resources.
3- The existence of a national will capable of carrying out integrated economic reforms and eliminating corruption of all kinds as a step to achieve financial sustainability.
4- Activating the economic policies that encourage eco-tourism in the marshlands in order to diversify the sources of income in Iraq.
5 The need to work on exploiting the potential available in the production of renewable energy by encouraging research and scientific studies that are concerned with this field.
6- Adopt a comprehensive strategy to reduce environmental pollution in the long term and benefit from the experiences of successful countries in this field to achieve sustainable development goals.
7- Adopting remote sensing and all information systems in building integrated databases through twinning between universities, starting with researchers in Iraq and the Islamic University in Lebanon.
8- The necessity for the laws related to combating terrorism to include penal provisions that are capable of dealing with terrorism that has occurred in the environment and that target citizens in an indirect way.
At the conclusion of the conference, Dr. Mubarak and Dr. Ammar, Secretary General of the Islamic University d. Badran, a certificate of participation in the conference, and the President of the International Peace Forum for Culture and Science, Dr. Mubarak presented honorary shields and necklaces of creativity in the name of the forum to each of the gentlemen: the sponsor of the conference, the president of the university, Dr. Al-Mawla, representative of the head of the Supreme Shiite Islamic Council, Imam Sheikh Abdul Amir Qabalan, Secretary General of the Council, Mr. Nazih Jammoul, Secretary General of the University. Dr.. Hussein Badran, representative of the Iraqi Ambassador Ali Al-Amiri Amjad Muhammad, the Iraqi cultural attaché Suhail Najm Abdullah, representative of the Director General of Public Security Major General Abbas Ibrahim, Brigadier General Salah Halawi, and representative of the Army Commander, General Joseph Aoun, Brigadier General Marwan Al-Khatib, representative of the Director General of State Security, Major General Tony Saliba, Colonel Areej Karzab.
Forum decided that its conference next year would be entitled “Sustainable Development Policies and their Modern Trends in the Amidst of Contemporary Challenges.”