Among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted in 2015, SDG4 is dedicated to education. Higher education is mentioned in target 4.3 of SDG4 which aims to by 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational, and tertiary education, including university
Since the ultimate function of the university is to provide youth with quality education, it has the responsibility to advocate the importance of SDGs in research, institutional culture, cooperation with other universities or organizations and preparing public-mindful leaders. Subsequently, the university must provide research knowledge, innovations and solutions towards achieving the SDGs. It must also advocate for faculty members to help students to set up projects, activities, campaigns… helping to promote the importance of being an active member of society. It must also cooperate with other institutions for higher education, and private and public organizations to identify educational problems and potential solutions in order to create a more sustainable, inclusive, and innovative world. Also, the university is a powerful institution that provide teaching. Learning inside the classroom isn’t enough to ensure graduates who can translate what they have learnt in books to real-word applications.
The Islamic University of Lebanon has adopted the strategy that aims at providing access to educational resources for almost everyone, starting from its national community (the Lebanese people) until everyone in the world and it provides access to educational resources for all the community of IUL as well as those who are not studying or working at it. Also, the university ensures a wide range of services such as research services via the online catalogue, books’ circulation, training sessions, daily newspapers and periodicals, free Wi-Fi services, photo copying and printing, etc.
In order to increase the number of people who profits from its services, IUL has created in 2017 a digital library with open free access for everyone. In this context, the digital library at the IUL is one of the most important libraries in the Middle East. One of the general strategies of Islamic university of Lebanon (IUL) is to provide access to educational resources for all people in the country. The IUL central library is one of the important units that provide this type of access to public and especially those not studying at the university for the purpose of best quality education. In addition of IUL Central Library, IUL also open in 2017 a digital library with open free access for all people. The IUL digital library is one of the important digital libraries in Middle East.
IUL provides lifelong learning education that is focused on personal development. Lifelong learning can help us to achieve personal fulfilment and satisfaction. It recognizes that humans have a natural drive to explore, learn and grow and encourages us to improve our own quality of life and sense of self-worth by paying attention to the ideas and goals that inspire us.
One of the general strategies of the Islamic university of Lebanon (IUL) is to provide access to educational resources for all people in the country. The IUL central library is one of the important units that provide this type of access to public and especially those not studying at the university for the purpose of best quality education…
The IUL, and as part of its social and educational responsibility, continuously hosts public lectures and community educational events to improve and enhance lifelong learning at both Ad hoc and programmed frequencies…
IUL, and as part of its education responsibility towards its local community, hosts Ad hoc and programmed programs & vocational trainings that are open to the community to Improve and Promote lifelong learning…
IUL, and as part of its education responsibility towards its local community, participate in outside Ad hoc and programmed events in the local and regional schools and also in the governmental organizations to Improve and Promote lifelong learning…
According on the university policy, vision, and the goals, no distinction is made between any of its components whether it is on the ethnic, religious, sectarian, or disability terms as well…