Quality Assurance


To achieve academic excellence through continuous improvement and development, as well as to be recognized and accredited internationally.

Quality Assurance


The Quality assurance department at IUL is committed to sustain the development and advancement of quality culture in learning, teaching, research and management in accordance with the national and international best practices in higher education.

Quality Assurance

Main Responsibilities

The office of quality assurance department was set up in 2015 and it works closely with a multidisciplinary committee headed by the president of IUL and representatives from all the faculties.

The office is committed to provide leadership, guidance and support for quality assurance standards across all sectors of the university and to support the institutional accreditation process.

Since its establishment, the office has experienced significant growth in all aspects of its operations, and to sustain the development and advancement of the quality of learning, teaching, research and management activities as declared in the vision and mission statements, the quality assurance office carries out the following activities:

Develop strategies and help advance teaching and learning


Monitor the implementation of the university strategic plan


Monitor and evaluate the academic and research process in the university


Conduct monitoring, assessment and implementation of the institutional and departmental operational plans and improvement actions


Maintain statistical data of the institutional and programmatic Key performance indicators


Ensure the compliance with the principles of institutional accreditation of HCERES


Facilitate the process of the university accreditation


Handle all quality assurance issues